Press Browse button and will apper a small window with more choices: Tables, Views, Current user, Synonyms, Other users. After you choose the table name, oracle forms will show all Available Columns from the table. Here you can bring all columns...
Enter a name for your Data Block. You have finished describing you data block. Now you will have two options: – Continue with: Call the Layout Wizard – Stop: Just create the data block(is recommended when you use multiple data block...
Create Wizard Layout Oracle Forms 11g: Display in a frame on a canvas Here you have to choose the canvas name(can be a new one or an existing canvas) and the type of canvas. Types of canvas: – Content – Stacked...
Here you select and move item that you want to be displayed in the frame. For each each item displayed you can choose the item type from the list. Enter a prompt, width and the height for each item. Part 3:...
Select the Layout Style for your frame On this step you can choose the Frame Title, you can insert how many records to be displayed in the field Records Displayed, also Distance Between Records and Display Scrollbar. Part 4: Finish the...