Author: codertutor_3o6d0o

Oracle WITH

The Oracle WITH clause is used to specify common table expressions. Oracle WITH example With j As (Select s1.product_id, avg(s1.amount) avg_amount From sales s1 Group By s1.product_id) Select s2.seller_id, s2.product_name, s2.unit Join j Using (product_id) Where s2.amount > j.avg_amount;...

Oracle WHERE

The Oracle WHERE clause can be used in a SELECT statement, UPDATE statement, or DELETE statement. Oracle WHERE example Select * From users u Where = 'EVA' ; Select * From books b Where = 'SMITH' And book_name Like...


The Oracle SELECT statement uses to retrieve data from tables, views, or materialized views. Oracle SELECT example Select * From users u Where u.user_id > 50; Select distinct, b.book_name From books b Where = 'SMITH' And book_name Like '%ORACLE%'...


The Oracle ROWNUM pseudocolumn returns a number indicating the order in which Oracle database selects the row from a table or from a join query. Oracle ROWNUM pseudocolumn example Select rownum, type, name From jobs Where rownum > 1200; Order By...

Oracle ROWID

The Oracle ROWID pseudocolumn returns the address of the row. Oracle ROWID pseudocolumn example Select rowid, name From customers Where customer_id=2378; Select customer_id, name, email From customers Where rowid = 1000; Declare v_Customer_Id NUMBER; v_Rowid ROWID; Begin PL/SQL query End;...