Author: codertutor_3o6d0o

Oracle OR

The Oracle OR statement returns TRUE if either component condition is TRUE. Returns FALSE if both are FALSE. Oracle OR example Select * From users u Where = 'ANIA' OR = 'PARKER'; Select * From tutorials Where author =...

Oracle IS NULL

The Oracle IS NULL and IS NOT NULL are comparison conditions used to test for nulls. Oracle IS NULL and IS NOT NULL example Select * From invoices i Where i.printed IS NULL; Select * From invoices i Where i.printed IS...

Oracle NOT

The Oracle NOT operator returns TRUE if the following condition is FALSE. Returns FALSE if it is TRUE. The NOT operator can be used NOT EXISTS, NOT Between, NOT Like, NOT IN. Oracle NOT example Select * From users_log u Where...

Oracle LIKE

The Oracle LIKE operator specify a test involving pattern matching. Oracle LIKE example Select * From customers c Where Like '%CORPORATE%'; Select * From customers c Where Like 'CORP%'; -- begin with CORP Select * From customers c Where...


The Oracle HAVING clause restricts the rows of a GROUP BY clause. Oracle HAVING example Select, sum(c.income) AS "Total Income" From customers c Group By Having sum(c.income) > 50; Select, sum(c.income) AS "Total Income" From customers c Where...