Author: codertutor_3o6d0o

Oracle TRUNC

The Oracle TRUNC function truncates an expression to a number or to a date. The Oracle TRUNC (number) function returns n1 truncated to n2 decimal places. The Oracle TRUNC (date) function returns date with the specified format model fmt. Oracle TRUNC...

Oracle TRIM

The Oracle TRIM function enables you to trim leading or trailing characters (or both) from a character string. Oracle TRIM example select trim(' tutorial ') from dual; Result: 'tutorial' select trim(leading '1' from '111089711091') from dual; Result: '089711091' select trim(trailing '9'...


The Oracle TO_NUMBER function converts expression to a value of NUMBER data type. Oracle TO_NUMBER example select to_number('3499.79', '9999.99') from dual; Result: '3499.79' select to_number('754', '999') from dual; Result: '754'...

Oracle TO_DATE

The Oracle TO_DATE function converts a character set (CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, or NVARCHAR2) to a value of DATE data type. Oracle TO_DATE example select to_date('2011/11/06', 'yyyy/mm/dd') from dual; 11/6/2011 select to_date('061111', 'MMDDYY') from dual; 6/11/2011 select to_date(sysdate, 'dd-mm-yyyy') from dual; 11/6/0011...

Oracle TO_CHAR

The Oracle TO_CHAR function converts an expression to a character set. The Oracle TO_CHAR (number) function converts n to a value of VARCHAR2 data type. The Oracle TO_CHAR (character) function converts NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB, or NCLOB data to the database character...