Author: codertutor_3o6d0o


The Oracle SUBSTR function return a set of characters from an expression. Oracle SUBSTR example select substr('Reports are ready', 9, 3) from dual; Result: 'are' select substr('Reports are ready', 9) from dual; Result: 'are ready' select substr('OracleDatabase10G', 1, 6) from dual;...

Oracle Round

The Oracle ROUND(number) function returns n rounded to integer places to the right of the decimal point. The Oracle ROUND(date) function returns date rounded. Oracle ROUND (number) example select round(123.256) from dual; Result: '123' select round(123.256,0) from dual; Result: '123' select...

Oracle INSTR

The Oracle INSTR functions search string for substring. Oracle INSTR example select instr('Oracle Froms tutorial', 'e') from dual; Result: '6' select instr('Oracle Froms tutorial', 'e',1,1) from dual; Result: '6' select instr('Oracle Froms tutorial', 'a',1,2) from dual; Result: '20' select instr('Oracle Froms...

Oracle Decode

Oracle DECODE function compares expression to each search value one by one. If expression is equal to a search, then return the result. If no match is found, then returns default or null. Oracle Decode example SELECT name, decode(id, 1, 'Oracle9i',...

SQLPlus vs SQL

SQL and SQLPlus are two tools used in the Oracle Database environment. SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard language for managing and manipulating relational databases, while SQLPlus is an Oracle-specific command-line interface that allows users to interact with the database...