HTML Paragraph The HTML <p> tag defines a paragraph. If you insert space inside HTML paragraph the browser will remove any extra spaces and extra lines when the html page is displayed. HTML Paragraph <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> HTML Paragraph </head>...
HTML Formatting The HTML can have the following elements for formatting: The <b> tag is used to bold text. The <i> tag is used to make italic text. The <strong> tag defines important text. The <mark> tag is used to mark...
HTML Basic Tags The <!DOCTYPE html> tag defines document version. The <html> tag represents the root tag of an HTML page. The <head> tag defines meta information about the html page. The <title> tag specifies a title for the html page....
Oracle Exception The Oracle database contains the following types of exceptions: Internally defined are automatically raises by the runtime system. An internally defined exception always has an error code, but does not have a name. Predefined are internally defined exceptions that...
Oracle Cursors The Oracle database contains two types of cursors: Implicit cursors are automatically constructed and managed by PL/SQL. PL/SQL opens an implicit cursor every time you run a SELECT or DML statement. The implicit cursor attributes are: SQL%ISOPEN SQL%FOUND SQL%NOTFOUND...