Author: codertutor_3o6d0o

Oracle Create Procedure

Oracle Create Procedure To create a standalone stored procedure uses the CREATE PROCEDURE statement. Create Procedure syntax CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE proc_name (arg1 data_type, ...) AS BEGIN .... END; / Create Procedure example CREATE PROCEDURE remove_customer (p_id NUMBER) AS v_name varchar2(255);...

Oracle Loop Statements

Oracle PL/SQL provides loop statements that allow you to execute a block of code repeatedly. Loop statements are useful when you need to perform a specific task multiple times or iterate through a collection of data. There are several types of...

Oracle Transaction Statements

Oracle Transaction Statements A transaction is a series of one or more SQL statements that Oracle Database treats as a unit. A transaction is an atomic unit. A transaction ends when it is committed or rolled back. The transaction control statements...

Oracle Conditional Statements

Oracle Conditional Statements The Oracle conditional statements are IF and CASE. IF THEN Statement IF condition THEN --SQL, PL/SQL statements END IF; IF THEN ELSE Statement IF condition THEN --SQL, PL/SQL statements ELSE --SQL, PL/SQL statements END IF; IF THEN ELSIF...

Oracle Data Types

Oracle Data Types In Oracle, the main data types are: NUMBER – the number is a numeric data type and is used to define numeric columns or variables. VARCHAR2 – the varchar2 is a variable-length character and is used to define...