Author: codertutor_3o6d0o

Oracle Anonymous Block

Oracle Anonymous Block The Oracle anonymous block consists of the following sections: The declarative section is the place where variables, cursors, object types are declared. The execution section is the place for SQL statements or PL/SQL statements like: select, insert, update,...

Oracle Delete

Oracle Delete statement How to use the DELETE statement to delete rows from table. Oracle Delete syntax DELETE FROM table_name [ WHERE condition ]; Delete example DELETE CUSTOMERS WHERE ID=1; DELETE CUSTOMERS WHERE ID=2 AND NAME='Address 2B'; DELETE CUSTOMERS;...

Oracle Update

Oracle Update statement How to use the UPDATE statement to modify the value of a column in a table. Oracle Update syntax UPDATE table_name SET column_name = value [, column_name = value]... [ WHERE condition ]; Update example UPDATE CUSTOMERS SET...

Oracle Insert

Oracle Insert statement How to use the INSERT statement to add rows into table. Oracle Insert syntax INSERT INTO table_name (column names) VALUES (column values); Insert example INSERT INTO CUSTOMERS(ID, NAME, ADDRESS) VALUES (1,'Customer_A','Address 1A'); INSERT INTO CUSTOMERS(ID, NAME, ADDRESS) VALUES...

Oracle Create Table

Oracle Create Table statement How to use the CREATE TABLE statement to create tables. Oracle Create Table syntax CREATE TABLE table_name( column_name_1 datatype [DEFAULT expr][, ...], column_name_2 datatype [DEFAULT expr][, ...], ..................... ); Create Table example CREATE TABLE CUSTOMERS( ID NUMBER...