Author: codertutor_3o6d0o

MySQL Temporary Table

MySQL Temporary Table A temporary table is visible only to the current database session. A temporary table is dropped automatically when the database session is closed. A temporary table can also be dropped with the command: DROP TABLE tabel_name. Create Temporary...

MySQL Drop view

MySQL Drop view To DROP a MySQL view uses keyword drop view syntax. MySQL Drop view syntax DROP VIEW view_name; Drop view example DROP VIEW test_view; Output view TEST_VIEW dropped....

MySQL Create view

MySQL Create view To create a MySQL view uses keyword create o replace view syntax. MySQL Create view syntax CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_name AS SELECT * FROM tabel_name; Create view example CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW test_view AS SELECT * FROM...

MySQL Table

MySQL Table Create table Drop table Add column Drop column Rename column Add primary key Add constraint foreign key Drop foreign key Add index Drop index...