Author: codertutor_3o6d0o


Oracle PL/SQL Sum Function The Sum function returns the summed value of an expression. The Sum Function syntax: Select sum( exp ) From table ; Example 1 Select sum(e.sal) From emp e Where e.job='CLERK' ; 4150 Example 2 Select e.ename, e.sal,...

PL/SQL Substr

Oracle PL/SQL Substr Function The Substr function allows you to extract a substring from a string. The Substr Function syntax: substr( string, start_position, [ length ] ) Example: select substr('Report is ready', 8, 2) from dual; would return 'is' select substr('Report...


Oracle PL/SQL Sqrt Function The Sqrt function returns the square root of x. The Sqrt Function syntax: sqrt( x ) Example: Select sqrt(16) From dual; 4 Select sqrt(34) From dual; 5.8309518948453 Select sqrt(7.7852) From dual; 2.79019712565259...

PL/SQL Soundex

Oracle PL/SQL Soundex Function The Soundex function returns a phonetic representation of a string. The Soundex Function syntax: soundex( string ) Example: select soundex('plsql report') from dual; would return 'P424' select soundex('PLSQL REPORT') from dual; would return 'P424' select soundex('connect') from...


Oracle PL/SQL Sign Function The Sign function returns a value indicating the sign of a number. The Sign Function syntax: sign( number ) Example Select sign(-86) From dual; -1 Select sign(86) From dual; 1 Select sign(-0.0034) From dual; -1 Select sign(0.0034)...