Author: codertutor_3o6d0o

PL/SQL Remainder

Oracle PL/SQL Remainder Function The Remainder function returns the remainder of a divided by b. The Remainder Function syntax: remainder( a, b ) a – (b * X) where X is the integer nearest a / b Example Select remainder(10,3) From...


Oracle PL/SQL Rank Function The Rank function allow you to rank items in a group. The Rank Function syntax: RANK ( ) OVER ( [query_partition_clause] order_by_clause ) Aggregate Function Example Select rank(1200, 500) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY e.sal, e.comm) From emp...

PL/SQL Power

Oracle PL/SQL Power Function The Power function returns the power of a, raised to b. The Power Function syntax: power( a, b ) Example Select power(4,2) From dual; 16 Select power(7,3) From dual; 343 Select power(-7,3) From dual; -343 Select power(8.2,2)...


Oracle PL/SQL NVL2 Function The NVL2 function allow us to substitutes a value when a null value is founded as well as when a non null value is founded. The NVL2 Function syntax: NVL2( string, value_not_null, value_null ) Example 1: Select...


Oracle PL/SQL NVL Function The NVL function compares two expressions. If exp1 and exp2 are not equal then return exp1. If exp1 and exp2 are equal the function returns NULL. The NVL Function syntax: NVL( string, value ) value is returned...