Author: codertutor_3o6d0o

PL/SQL Lower

Oracle PL/SQL Lower Function The Lower function converts all letters in the specified string to lowercase. The Lower Function syntax: lower( string ) Example: select lower('Learn Oracle Lesson') from dual; learn oracle lesson select lower('ORACLE 10G') from dual; oracle 10g...

PL/SQL LocalTimestamp

Oracle PL/SQL LocalTimestamp Function The LocalTimestamp is used to get current date and time values in the current session. The LocalTimestamp Function syntax: localtimestamp Example: Select localtimestamp From dual; 01-05-2018 20:35:56,878000000...

PL/SQL Length

Oracle PL/SQL Length Function The Length function returns the length of the specified string. The Length Function syntax: length( string ) Example: select length(NULL) from dual; would return NULL select length('') from dual; would return NULL select length('Learn Oracle Lesson') from...

PL/SQL Least

Oracle PL/SQL Least Function The Least function returns returns the smallest value in a list of expressions. The Least Function syntax: least( exp1, exp2, … exp_n ) Example: Select least(4, 7, 11, 9) From dual; 4 Select least('4', '7', '11', '9')...


Oracle PL/SQL Lead Function The Lead function returns values from the next row in the table. The Lead Function syntax: lead ( exp [, offset [, default] ] ) over ( [ query_partition_clause ] order_by_clause ) Example: Select job_id, start_date, lead...