Author: codertutor_3o6d0o

PL/SQL Select Into

Oracle PL/SQL Select Into Example DECLARE v_user varchar2(80); BEGIN Select Into v_user From users u, customers c Where c.user_id = u.user_code And c.customer_id = 1 ; dbms_output.put_line(v_user); END;...

PL/SQL Rollback to Savepoint

Oracle PL/SQL Rollback to savepoint Example UPDATE emp_test e SET e.sal = 9000 WHERE e.ename = 'JONES'; SAVEPOINT jones_sal; UPDATE emp_test e SET e.sal = 8000 WHERE e.ename = 'FORD'; SAVEPOINT ford_sal; SELECT SUM(sal) FROM emp_test ; ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT jones_sal;...

PL/SQL Outer Join

Oracle PL/SQL Outer Join Outer Join is the select query of two different tables filling one relationship with NULL values, there where is no value that satisfies the condition of matching. Outer Example: Select e.ename, d.dname,d.loc From emp e, dept d...

PL/SQL Non Equi-Join

Oracle PL/SQL Non Equi-Join Non Equi-Join is the select query that does not contain the equality operator. Non Equi-Join Example: Select, o.customer_id, o.amount From offers o Where o.amount Between 6000 and 100000 Result: ID CUSTOMER_ID AMOUNT 2 1 60000.00 3...