Ord function The ord() function return an integer representing the ASCII code for a given string(the string is an ASCII character). The ord() function is the opposite of chr(). Examples Example 1 >>> ord('A') 65 >>> ord('B') 66 >>> ord('a') 97...
Pow function The pow(arg1, arg2[arg3]) function return the arg1 to the power arg2. If arg3 is present, then the function return the arg1 to the power arg2, modulo arg3. Examples Example 1 >>> pow(2,2) 4 >>> pow(2,3) 8 >>> pow(2,3,2) 0...
Range function The range(n) function return the range for the given argument. The value of the range begin with 0 and ends with the n-1 value. You can use list() function to show all values of the range. Examples Example 1...
Round function The round() function return the rounded value for a given decimal argument. Examples Example 1 >>> round(1.5) 2 >>> round(2.5) 2 >>> round(2.6) 3 >>> round(3.8) 4 >>> round(3.2) 3 >>>...
Sum function The sum() function return the sum of a sequence values or return the sum of a sequence of numbers and a given value. Examples Example 1 >>> x = [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> sum(x) 10 >>> sum(x,1) 11...