What is the difference between implicit and explicit cursors The implicit cursor is automatically declared by Oracle whenever a SQL statement is executed. An implicit cursor is used to process the instructions INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT INTO. During processing of...
What are the attributes of implicit and explicit cursors Attributes of Cursors – %FOUND – %ISOPEN – %NOTFOUND – %ROWCOUNT – SQL%BULK_ROWCOUNT – SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS...
What is the difference between procedure and function A procedure is a collection of PL/SQL code named, defined by user and usually stored in the database. A function is the same like procedure except that it must return a value, using...
What is the difference between rowid and rownum ROWID is a pseudo column and is the unique address of a row. Select rowid From dual Where user='SYSTEM'; Select user From dual Where rowid='AAAAB0AABAAAAOhAAA'; ROWNUM represents the number of the row after...
What is an trigger and how will create, disable, compile, rename A trigger is a PL/SQL block associated with a table, view or a database scheme. Is executed whenever an event occurs. Types of triggers: – triggers for application – triggers...