What is the difference between instr and substr functions The Instr function returns the location of a substring in a string, while the substr function extract a substring from a string. select instr('Learn pl sql functions', 'e') from dual; would return...
What is the difference between rowtype and type %TYPE is used to get type of a variable or a table column. v_name customers.name%TYPE; %ROWTYPE is used to obtain the type of line of a cursor or table. DECLARE CURSOR c is...
What is the difference between rank and dense_rank functions The Rank function allow you to rank items in a group, while the Dense_Rank function make the same but Dense_Rank leaves no gaps in ranking sequence when there are ties. Example Select...
In Oracle PL/SQL, the Lead and Lag functions are analytical functions used to access data from rows that come before or after the current row within a result set. These functions are particularly useful for performing calculations involving sequential data or...
Display the first 10 employees order by salary How to select the first 10 employees order by salary Example Select * From (Select * From employees e ORDER BY e.salary ) Where rownum...