HTML Formatting
HTML Formatting
The HTML can have the following elements for formatting:
The <b> tag is used to bold text.
The <i> tag is used to make italic text.
The <strong> tag defines important text.
The <mark> tag is used to mark a text.
The <u> tag is used to underlined a text.
The <em> tag defines emphasized text.
The <small> tag is used to convert a text to small.
The <del> tag defines deleted text.
The <ins> tag defines inserted text.
The <sub> tag defines subscript text.
The <sup> tag defines superscript text.
HTML Formatting
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>HTML Formatting </head> <body>How to bold text in a paragraph.
How to make italic text in a paragraph.
How to define important text in a paragraph.
HTML marked element.
HTML Paragraph with underlined text.
How to
delete textin a paragraph.Emphasized text.
Convert a text to Small in a paragraph.
Defines deleted text.Defines inserted text.
Defines subscripted text in a paragraph.
Defines superscript text in a paragraph.
</body> </html>
How to bold text in a paragraph.
How to make italic text in a paragraph.
How to define important text in a paragraph.
HTML marked element.
HTML Paragraph with underlined text.
How to delete text in a paragraph.
Emphasized text.
Convert a text to Small in a paragraph.
Defines deleted text.
Defines inserted text.
Defines subscripted text in a paragraph.
Defines superscript text in a paragraph.