Oracle Round

The Oracle ROUND(number) function returns n rounded to integer places to the right of the decimal point.
The Oracle ROUND(date) function returns date rounded.

Oracle ROUND (number) example

select round(123.256) from dual;

Result: '123'

select round(123.256,0) from dual;

Result: '123'

select round(123.256,2) from dual;

Result: '123.26'

Oracle ROUND (date) example

round(to_date ('06-NOV-11'),'YEAR') 
from dual;

Result: '1/1/2012'

round(to_date ('06-NOV-11'),'Q') 
from dual;

Result: '10/1/2011'

round(to_date ('06-NOV-11'),'MONTH') 
from dual;

Result: '11/1/2011'