PHP Arrays

PHP Arrays

An array in PHP is a type that associates values to keys.
This type can be an array, list, hash table, dictionary, collection, stack, queue.

Simple array example

	$courses = array("PHP", "MySQL");
	echo "I learn " . $courses[0] . " and " . $courses[1] . ".";
	echo "<br />";
	echo count($courses), " courses.";


I learn PHP and MySQL.
2 courses.

PHP Associative Arrays example

	$price = array("PHP"=>"40", "MySQL"=>"32");
	echo "The PHP price is ", $price['PHP'];
	echo "<br />";
	echo "The MySQL price is ", $price['MySQL'];
	echo "<br />";	
	echo count($price), " courses.";	


The PHP price is 40
The MySQL price is 32
2 courses.