PL/SQL Packages
PL/SQL Packages
The package consists of grouped objects as procedures, functions, variables, exceptions, cursors.
Each package consists of two parts:
– Specification of the package – Here we can declare public types, variables, constants and exceptions.
– The body of the package defines its own code.
Exemple of PL/SQL Packages:
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE users AS FUNCTION add_user( p_user_name VARCHAR2, p_user_email VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; END users; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY users AS global_exception exception; FUNCTION add_user( p_user_name VARCHAR2, p_user_email VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS v_output varchar2(4000):='Inserted'; BEGIN IF p_user_name IS NULL THEN v_output:='p_user_name IS NULL'; RAISE global_exception; END IF; INSERT INTO users(user_name, user_email) VALUES (p_user_name, p_user_email); RETURN v_output; EXCEPTION WHEN global_exception THEN RETURN v_output; END; END users;