SQLPlus Set
To specify options for working with SQL * Plus it is use the command SET.
The most important SQL * Plus SET Commands
SET ECHO {ON|OFF} lists each command in a script as the command is executed.
SET FEED[BACK] {6|n|ON|OFF} Displays the number of records returned by a script when a script selects at least n records.
SET HEADS [EP] {| | c | OFF | ON} defines a column heading.
SET NULL controls the text displayed for all null values for all columns.
SET NUMF[ORMAT] Sets the default format for displaying numbers.
SET UND[ERLINE] {-|c|ON|OFF} underline the headings of the columns.
SET VER[IFY] {ON|OFF} lists the text of a SQL statement or PL/SQL command before and after replacing substitution variables with values.
SET TAB {ON|OFF} formats white space in terminal output.
SET TERM[OUT] {ON|OFF} display of output generated by commands executed from a script.
SET TI[ME] {ON|OFF} display the current time.
SET TRIM[OUT] {ON|OFF} ON removes blanks at the end of each line. OFF allows SQL*Plus to include trailing blanks.
SET PAGES[IZE] {24|n} Sets the number of lines in each page.
SET INSTANCE [instance_path|LOCAL] Modify the default instance for your session to the specified instance path.
SET RECSEP {WR [APPED] | SHE [CH] | OFF} make the record separation.
SET RECSEPCHAR {_ | c} sets the character to display or print to separate records.
SET SQLC[ASE] {MIX[ED]|LO[WER]|UP[PER]} Converts the case of SQL commands and PL/SQL blocks.
SET SQLP[ROMPT] {SQL>|text} Sets the SQL*Plus command prompt.
SET WRA [P] {OFF | ON} wraps the string within the column bounds (truncate the string).